• VCU-RRTC 2024

    RRTC in Photos: 2024

    What a year! Throughout 2024, our faculty and staff have conducted new research, provided new training, and explored new innovative approaches to the education and employment of individuals with disabilities! Along the way, we had some fun too! Enjoy this year in photos.

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    collage of VCU RRTC staff in VCU black and gold shirts
  • VCU-RRTC Highlight

    Exploring Customized Behavior Application Training (CBAT)

    For over eight years, the Customized Behavior Application Training (CBAT) project at VCU's Rehabilitation Research and Training Center provides division-directed training and technical assistance for educators and public school professionals. The project currently works with 42 school divisions across the Commonwealth.

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    two people posing for a photo and one person pointing to a visual aid instructing two other people
  • VCU-RRTC Highlight

    RRTC's Social Security National Training and Data Center

    For over 20 years, the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center has housed the VCU Social Security National Training and Data Center. The mission of the National Training and Data Center (NTDC) is to promote the employment and economic self-sufficiency of Social Security disability beneficiaries.

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    one person tutoring the other in a library
  • VCU-RRTC Feature

    VCU's ACE-IT in College earns a first-in-Virginia accreditation

    Virginia Commonwealth University's ACE-IT in College recently became the first accredited college program for students with intellectual disability (ID) in Virginia and the third program nationally. ACE-IT in College is a two-year VCU School of Education certificate program for students with intellectual disability.

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    four VCU students pose with their new ID cards
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