Individuals & Family Members
Below are frequently asked questions and answers for Individuals and Family Members regarding how Business Connections at VCU can partner with you to build a successful, satisfying career.
- How can Business Connections at VCU help me get the job I want?
Participant Brochure Business Connections offers over 30 years of experience in supported employment services for individuals with disabilities. Trained professional job coaches customize services to fit your needs and preferences. Services Available for Individuals & Family Members Include:
- Employment Planning
- Vocational Assessment
- Job Development & Placement
- Customized Employment
- On-the-Job Training
- Workplace Supports & Accommodations
- Long-term Supports & Job Retention
- Work Incentives Counseling
- What are some examples of people with disabilities succeeding at work?
Business Connections assists many individuals each year with obtaining and maintaining employment. Check out our Monthly Spotlights to see our recent success stories.
- I am not sure if I want to disclose my disability and/or how to disclose. What should I consider in this decision?
Disclosure Decision Worksheet Every individual with a disability must choose whether to disclose (share) his or her disability with an employer. Primary factors to consider include whether accommodations will be needed on the job or whether a disability is visible or hidden. Other aspects related to the employer and the company may also influence your decision. Our Job Coaches can assist you and your support team with reviewing all the factors to make the best choice for your situation.
- I want to make my own decisions about where I work. How can I do that?
Business Connections implements consumer-directed services through self-determination and informed consumer. The first step in framing a supported employment plan is asking the question: "What are a person's dreams, interests, and passions related to living and working in the community?" The next step is to set up a individualized service plan where the consumer exercises control over key steps in turning those dreams into employment.
Some of the key steps in the process include: choice of supported employment provider, setting employment goals, satisfaction with the job outcome as a prerequisite for payment to the provider, and the opportunity to turn a job into a career. The extent that the job seeker with a disability controls these choices is the true measures of whether the employment supports are consumer-directed.
- How will working and earning wages affect my Social Security benefits?
Many of our job coaches have participated in Social Security training and can assist with general information about benefits. Additionally, we can provide numerous resources and refer customers for the necessary supports.
Additional Information
Please see our Participant Brochure for more information on the service offerings. Folleto del participante en español
For assistance accessing information related to our programs, please contact VCU-RRTC at .
If you are ready to enjoy the rewards of working and be a part of the employment community, contact:
Rachael Rounds, Program Manager