Stakeholder Feedback

Stakeholder Quotes


"Great program, nothing but wonderful things to say! Very appreciative to take part in such a life changing program for these individuals. The job coaches have truly grown the potential of these young adults and forever changed their lives for the better. Very rewarding to be a part of!"

"Moral has risen in our work section, the individual is such an asset to the team and such a joy to work with and see improve continuously!"

"It has taught life lessons to the other employees on how to interact effectively in the working environment with individuals with disabilities. It has been an awesome experience."

"The coaching staff is great! Whenever we have a question, they are always there to answer and provide feedback."


A young man showing off his work

Participants in response to a survey question asking "what the individual likes best about their job":

"I get to meet different people. Very nice people"

"Getting to do different tasks"

"I like how we work as a team"

"Making money"

"I feel like it is a great working environment and I love doing what I do. "

Family Members

A parents perspective working with the Business Connections team:

"I think the thing that impressed me the most was that the approach was so different. Rather than seeing my son as a disability and searching for a menial task that would get him off her case load, the employment specialist took the time to really get to know my son and what he loves. She took that information and looked in unusual places for things that would make him shine. In doing that, he could function normally in society and needed far less assistance than if he had been placed somewhere that was a bad fit. After she left him on his own, she has continued to check in and send quick, sweet messages of encouragement. I can't begin to tell you how much we appreciate everything. The future was not looking so bright for us before and now my son comes out of work with a smile on his face and a tremendous amount of energy. Not exhausted from the physical, social, or emotional stress. THANK YOU!!!!"

Your Feedback

Please send us your comments or questions! Also, if you have a grievance, we want to hear from you and have the opportunity to resolve it in a fair and timely manner. Please contact the Program Director:

Rachael Rounds, Program Manager
Tel: (804) 827-0754