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Photo of Kaitlin Erdman

Kaitlin Erdman

Environmental Structure in the classroom: Setting Up for Success

Presented By:
Kaitlin Erdman, B.S, M.S., Special Education Teacher, Warren County Public Schools
September 13, 2022

In this presentation, I will be discussing what I have found to be the most effective ways to structure your classroom so that your students, your instructional staff, and you as the teacher can be successful.

Presenter Bio:
My name is Kaitlin Erdman. This is my 8th year teaching special education students K-5 with significant cognitive needs, for Warren County Public Schools in Virginia. I graduated from Shenandoah University with my Bachelors of Science in Psychology and Masters of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis. I attended UVA Wise where I completed their teaching licensure program to become a licensed Special Education Teacher. I realized very quickly my passion was for students who are on the Autism Spectrum and I wanted to work with them in a classroom-based setting. I am married to my husband, Dr. Nicholas Erdman, we have a 4-year-old son, Ashton, and a 10-month-old daughter, Charlotte.