Archived Webcast Information

Photo of Jen Reese

Jen Reese

Medicaid Waivers in Virginia

Presented By:
Jen Reese, Northern Virginia Regional Network Coordinator, Center for Family Involvement @ Virginia Commonwealth University
April 12, 2022

In this webcast, Jen Reese presents the basics needed to understand the complicated world of Medicaid Waivers. Ms. Reese is both a parent who has navigated the process of acquiring a Medicaid Waiver and a professional who advises others. This is a must-see for educators and families who want to know more about accessing this valuable resource to assist with the transition to adult living. 

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe Medicaid Waivers  
  2. Learn how some students with disabilities could benefit from Medicaid Waivers services
  3. Identify best practices for educators to work with families to access Medicaid Waivers