Archived Webcast Information

Photo of Tim Riesen

Tim Riesen

Photo of Steve Hall

Steve Hall

Customized Job Development Fidelity: Establishing Consensus Among Professionals

Presented By:
Tim Riesen, Ph.D., Utah State University

Steve Hall, Ph.D., Director of Employment Policy and Research, Griffin-Hammis Associates
May 26, 2021

Customized employment (CE) has emerged as a promising practice that leads to improved employment outcomes for people with significant disabilities. Despite the utility of CE, however, there remain gaps in research that operationalize and establish fidelity to the customized job development process. Without fidelity to implementation, we run the risk of poorly informed employment specialists using strategies that do not comport to what is considered best-practices in CE job development.

This presentation will review the results of a Delphi study about what CE experts believed are acceptable and not acceptable CE job development fidelity descriptors on the customized employment job development fidelity scale (JDFS) developed by Hall and Keeton (2018). This Delphi process provided valuable insights about what experts believe are best practice which is a first step in creating a validated fidelity scale.