Archived Webcast Information
Kristen Hamilton
Austin Miller
Working with Employment Specialists to Create A More Integrated Work Environment
Austin Miller, BSW, Vocational Rehab Counselor, VCU-RRTC
This webcast is for employers who wish to support a more integrated work environment within their business. You will learn tips on how to coordinate with employment specialists to aid in a more successful vocational experience for individuals with disabilities. Through building partnerships and conducting inclusivity trainings, managers and staff will be given the tools to incorporate supported employment practices within their work culture.
Kristen Hamilton has earned her B.S. in Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University. She began working at VCU-RRTC as a job coach assisting in training students at two of the Project SEARCH sites located at St. Francis Medical Center and Memorial Regional Medical Center. She continues to provide support to both program sites as well as assists in job site training for the Project SEARCH alumni that have been employed.
Austin Miller graduated with a Bachelor of Social Work from VCU in 2014. After graduation he began working with children on the Autism Spectrum for Richmond Autism Integration Network (RAIN). In March 2016 he joined the VCU RRTC team as a part time Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor while continuing to work with RAIN. He transitioned into full time employment with VCU RRTC in September 2016 where he continues to enjoy learning and working with adults with disabilities.
Key Terms:
Supported employment practices: The application of methodologies focused on the employment model designed for individuals with significant disabilities which provides intensive job supports in order to employ individuals in integrated community businesses, earning minimum wage or better, and working side-by-side with co-workers, customers, and vendors without disabilities.
Integrated work environment: A work setting that consists of individuals both with and without disabilities working alongside one another to complete their work responsibilities.
Inclusivity Training: Training that is aimed at providing knowledge, skills, resources, and tools in regards to working with individuals with disabilities with the purpose of creating and sustaining change that fosters a creative, integrated, respectful and productive workforce and workplace.
Health Enthusiast: A Vitamin Shoppe distribution center employee title