Archived Webcast Information
Mark Peterson
Erik Smith
Individualized Vocational Rehabilitation Services and Young Adults with ASD: A Case Study
Erik Smith, B.A., MDiv, Didlake, Inc.
This webcast describes the importance of individualized vocational rehabilitation service selection and provision to improve employment outcomes for young adults with ASD. The presenters use a case study approach to describe how individualized VR services helped one young man achieve his employment goals.
Mark Peterson, B.A., DD Employment Specialist, Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services - For over 30 years, Mark has worked from many perspectives and roles in the vocational rehabilitation world. In Virginia, he has specialized in supported employment services and most recently, customized employment. Mark has his Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University.
Erik Smith manages the Supported Employment programming and personnel in the Greater Hampton Roads Area as a Program Manager for Didlake, Inc. Before becoming a Program Manager for Didlake, Erik was the Didlake Employment Specialist for Bon Secours Maryview Medical Center’s Project SEARCH program, and a School Community Trainer for SECEP, the regional special education program for Hampton Road’s public schools. Erik has been working to support individuals’ transition into the community for the last 6 years in these positions. Erik holds a BA from Liberty University and an MDiv from Regent University.