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Photo of Barbara Webb

Barbara Webb

Inclusion: Making the Marriage Work

Presented By:
Barbara Webb, Ed. D., Private Consultant
January 14, 2014

Our goal in education must be to create a rich educational setting for all children. Special Education was originally designed as a "resource" to educational programs, not as a separate placement. Research indicates that removing children from their typical peers undermines their capacity to learn the skills that will enable them to belong. Statistics from the CDC show a dramatic rise in autism; therefore we must prepare our inclusive classrooms to create the educational setting to address the needs of these children. This presentation will discuss the learning differences of children with autism and how to embed specific teaching strategies into the curriculum.

Dr. Barbara Webb is an internationally known private consultant in the areas of Autism, Social Skills, and Positive Behavior Supports. She has 20 years of experience as a School Psychologist in preK-12th grades, a consultant to model Autism classrooms, specializes in assessment of students within the Autism Spectrum, and provides trainings in assessment, ADOS-2, ADI-R, and educational strategies. She also provides expert testimony in Due Process cases for School Districts and Families.