Archived Webcast Information

Photo of Erik Carter

Erik Carter

Summer Employment for Students with Disabilities

Presented By:
Erik Carter, Vanderbilt University
September 27, 2012

Connecting youth with disabilities to early work experience is an essential element of effective transition services. This webcast will summarize lessons learned as part of a three-year project focused on promoting summer employment for youth with severe disabilities or emotional/behavioral disabilities. Dr. Carter will address factors associated with youth engagement, review findings from intervention work, and share practical recommendations for increasing access to early work experiences.

Erik Carter is an Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education at Vanderbilt University. His research and teaching focuses on strategies for supporting meaningful school inclusion and promoting valued roles in school, work, and community settings for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. He has co-authored four books, including the recently published The New Transition Handbook: Strategies High School Teachers Use That Work (Brookes Publishing).