Archived Webcast Information
David Dean
Examining VR Service Provision & Employment Outcomes for Persons with ASD
The overall goal of this five-year project is to develop a framework to examine the efficacy of a specific mix of vocational rehabilitation (VR) services on short and long-term employment outcomes for persons with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Two separate tracks have been pursued to obtain the necessary data to operationalize this model for identifying employment impacts of VR. The webinar will provide a progress report and findings from these two tracks. The first track involves examining longitudinal employment outcome and VR service provision data for applicants to the Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services (DRS) during the periods of State Fiscal Years (SFY) 2000 through 2007. The second track examines the employment and disability benefit receipt of all VR closures with ASD nationwide from 1998 through 2008 using the federal R-911 Case Service Report merged with SSA administrative records.