Archived Webcast Information

Photo of Christine Groah

Christine Groah

Photo of Elizabeth Getzel, M.A.

Elizabeth Getzel, M.A.

Veterans Education and Transition Support (V.E.T.S.) in College

Presented By:
Christine Groah, M.Ed., Knowledge Translation Associate, VCU

Elizabeth Getzel, M.A., M.A., VCU-RRTC
December 2, 2011

Presenters:  Elizabeth Getzel, Christine Grauer, Johnathan Hoggatt
The V.E.T.S. in College program uses a supported education approach to provide individualized services to student veterans with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and spinal cord injury (SCI).   Through this program, education coaches meet with student veterans to develop strategies for achieving their academic and career goals.  Services may include education and career planning, learning strategy development, and service coordination.  In this webcast, the presenters will describe the development and implementation of this demonstration project for veterans who are entering or enrolled in post-secondary education.  A student veteran will share his experiences with the program, and will discuss what services and supports were particularly useful.

This is a free webcast made available through a grant from the Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative(CNI) Trust Fund (#10-176), administered by VA Department of Rehabilitative Services.