Archived Webcast Information
Howard Green
Katherine McCary
Helping Veterans to Connect with Businesses
Presented By:
Howard Green, VCU Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Workplace Supports and Job Retention
Katherine McCary, C5 Consulting
Katherine McCary, C5 Consulting
June 19, 2008
Connecting with Business is critical for all community rehabilitation service providers in order to be successful in their efforts to achieve employment outcomes for people with disabilities including disabled homeless veterans. This web cast is geared to help HVRP programs connect with businesses and assist them in developing meaningful and long lasting relationships. Our presenters will provide information regarding what the businesses expects from service providers, how to recognize the needs of both customers (business and individuals with a disabilities) and strategies to utilize in "Connecting with Business". You will hear from business representatives regarding their ideas on connecting with businesses as well as receive information on how the US BLN is helping to educate businesses across the country on the business case of hiring people with disabilities.