Archived Webcast Information

Photo of Patricia Waller

Patricia Waller

Photo of Lynne Talley

Lynne Talley

Photo of Jennifer McDonough

Jennifer McDonough

Promoting Partnerships & Employment for People with Disabilities in State Government

Presented By:
Patricia Waller, VA Dept of HR Mgt.

Lynne Talley, VA Board for People with Disabilities

Jennifer McDonough, M.S., Project Director, Virginia Commonwealth University, Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project on Customized Employment
December 11, 2007
Is the public sector doing what it can to attract and recruit individuals with disabilities into state employment? This web cast will share information regarding how the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities has targeted its grant process to explore an innovative idea of enhancing employment opportunities into state employment. In addition you will learn how to access this program as well as learn how the Virginia Department of Human Resource Management is building resources for the state agencies to assist them in implementing the Governor's Executive Directive on recruiting and hiring more people with disabilities.

Lynne Talley, Grant Manager with the Virginia Board will discuss the role of the Virginia Board and how it provides resources for demonstrating new idea for alternate employment opportunities. Jennifer McDonough will share the details for the Promoting Partnerships & Employment programs and be available to answer questions in the chat room. In addition, Patricia Waller, State Recruitment Manager for the Virginia Department of Human Resource Management will share how state agencies and their staffs can use her office to help with recruiting and hiring people with disabilities. DHRM is building a number of resources to assist managers and HR staff located in the various state agencies.

Session Objectives:
  • To share information regarding Virginia Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD) and its efforts to promote new employment ideas.
  • To provide information on a newly funded grant to VCU-RRTC by VBPD called Promoting Partnerships and Employment (program to utilize staffing organizations to obtain state employment for people with disabilities).
  • To share information from the Virginia Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) and what they are doing to expand the knowledge and information regarding recruiting and hiring people with disabilities.
  • To provide examples of successful experiences from several state agencies who have employed people with disabilities.
  • To share more details of the Governor's Executive Directive on recruiting and hiring people with disabilities in Virginia Government.