Archived Webcast Information

Photo of Sherman Gifford

Sherman Gifford

Photo of Stephanie White

Stephanie White

Job Coaching - What is it and How does It Affect Businesses and State Agencies?

Presented By:
Sherman Gifford, The Choice Group

Stephanie White, Career Support Systems, Inc.
September 20, 2007
When a rehabilitation professional suggest to you that they can providing Job Coaching Services do you scratch your head and say "What is Job Coaching and Why do I need it"? This session will overview the concept of job coaching and how it has assisted many people with disabilities to be successful in the workplace as well as discuss the importance to businesses and state agencies employment outreach. The presenters will share examples of success and answer question that employer have regarding having a job coach at the work site. The key for Businesses and State agencies is that they will be able to tap into a key resource to assist with their labor needs. Both presenters are experienced job coaches in Virginia who have a number of years of working with people with significant disabilities as well as businesses in assisting with employment.
Session Objectives:
  • To define what a job coach does in assisting people with disabilities and the employer (on and off the job site).
  • To clarify the difference between a rehabilitation counselor, Rehabilitation placement counselor and a job coach.
  • To answer question such as liability, time on job site, and who pays for job coaching.
  • To provide example of successful job coaching experience with employers and state agencies.