Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Twamley, E. W., Narvaez, J. M., Becker, D.R. Bartels, S. J.., & Jeste, D. V. (2008). Supported employment for middle-aged and older people with schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 11 (1), 76-89.
Title:  Supported employment for middle-aged and older people with schizophrenia
Authors:  Twamley, E. W., Narvaez, J. M., Becker, D.R. Bartels, S. J.., & Jeste, D. V.
Year:  2008
Journal/Publication:  American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Publisher:  Routledge
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Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  No
Research design:  Randomized controlled trial

Structured abstract:

Background:  Older people with severe mental illness are frequently assumed to be incapable of returning to work and are not actively recruited to participate in work rehabilitation programs. However, just as healthy older people are working well past traditional retirement age, many older people with schizophrenia want to work. However, very few vocational rehabilitation programs target older clients with psychiatric illness.
Purpose:  This study examined employment outcomes among adults with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder in a 12-month randomized controlled trial comparing two work rehabilitation programs: Individual Placement and Support (IPS; a supported employment model) and conventional vocational rehabilitation.
Setting:  The setting was an outpatient clinic in San Diego, California and various places of employment.
Study sample:  The study sample included 50 participants,30 men and 20 women who were 45 years or older, had a DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, and were receiving their psychiatric care at an outpatient clinic. Twenty subjects were diagnosed with schizophrenia, and 30 were diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. They were referred by state vocational rehabilitation.
Intervention:  The intervention was the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model of supported employment. This a systematic approach to helping people with severe mental illness achieve competitive employment. It is based on eight principles: eligibility based on client choice, focus on competitive employment, integration of mental health and employment services, attention to client preferences, work incentives planning, rapid job search, systematic job development, and individualized job supports. Systematic reviews have concluded that IPS is an evidence-based practice.
Control or comparison condition:  Conventional vocational rehabilitation programs use a “train-then-place” approach, emphasizing prevocational training classes and volunteer, transitional, or trial employment before seeking competitive work (i.e., employment in the community at prevailing wages).
Data collection and analysis:  The following techniques were used t-tests, chi-square, logistic regression, and repeated measures ANOVA to analyze the data. Alpha for significance was set at p < .05, and all tests were two-tailed. Cohen's d effect sizes to provide estimates of the magnitude of effects was also calculated.
Findings:  Compared with Conventional Vocational Rehabilitation, Individual Placement and Support resulted in statistically better work outcomes, including attainment of competitive employment, number of weeks worked, and wages earned. Cohen's d effect sizes for these variables were medium to large (.66-.81). Treatment group predicted future attainment of competitive work, but demographic and clinical variables (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, education, illness duration, and medication dose) did not predict employment outcomes. Participants who obtained competitive employment reported improved quality of life over time compared to those who did not.
Conclusions:  These findings suggest that for middle-aged and older clients with schizophrenia, supported employment results in better work outcomes than does conventional vocational rehabilitation. Furthermore, age was not significantly associated with attainment of competitive work. Finally, the therapeutic value of work is reflected in improved quality of life.

Disabilities served:  Schizophrenia
Populations served:  Gender: Female and Male
Race: American Indian or Alaska Native
Race: Asian
Race: Black / African American
Race: White / Caucasian
Interventions:  Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model of supported employment
Vocational rehabilitation
Outcomes:  Employment acquisition