Archived Webcast Information

Photo of Dennis Born

Dennis Born

Employment for Individuals with Disabilities with Criminal Records

Presented By:
Dennis Born
April 16, 2007
Dennis Born, S.E.C.T. Director In this webcast, the presenter will discuss employment barriers and strategies for individuals with psychiatric disabilities and criminal histories. An overview of employment barriers and contributors to successful employment outcomes will be given along with an indepth discussion on the types of supportive interventions that have worked for job placement, development, and retention for individuals with disabilities that have criminal records.

Dennis Born holds a Master degree in Vocation Rehabilitation Counseling and has been working with individuals with disabilities for the past 20 years. He is currently the director of the Supported Employment Consultation and Training Center located in Anderson, Indiana where he and his staff provides training and technical assistance to the 30 Indiana Mental Health centers concerning Supported Employment for individuals with psychiatric disabilities. He also directs "Indiana Works" a Social Security Administrated project that provide work incentives planning and assistance to individuals who receive entitlements from federal, state and local government. He has published several research articles, written manuals and booklets and has presented at national and international conference. His most recent work has been focusing on employment barriers and strategies for individuals with psychiatric disabilities and criminal histories.