Archived Webcast Information

Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS), Part 1

Presented By:
All ACE Staff , VCU Autism Center for Excellence (ACE)
March 14, 2006

Two Part Webcast: March 14 (Part 1) & March 15 (Part 2).

Part 1 will review the purpose of PASS and will look at several situations that are ideal for PASS development. In addition, we'll discuss the role of the benefits specialist in PASS development.

Part 2 will focus on the PASS application and how to complete it properly. We'll also look at the "mechanics" of assuring that a PASS application is financially viable.

Connie Ferrell, owner of Integrated Services, is a consultant and trainer who works nationally to provide information on employment and inclusion for marginalized people. Her speciality areas include disability, employment, Social Security, and person-centered planning.