KTER Center Technical Brief #5: Highlights from a KTER Center Systematic Review: Behavioral, Psychological, Educational and Vocational Interventions to Facilitate Employment Outcomes for Cancer Survivors

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KTER Center Technical Brief #5

This technical brief presents the findings and implications for Behavioral, Psychological, Educational Systematic Review. Published in The Campbell Library in January 2015, the review was co-authored by Carlton J. Fong, Kathleen M. Murphy, John D. Westbrook and Minda M. Markle. The review was supported by the SEDL Center on Knowledge Translation for Employment Research (KTER Center), which is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). The review was designed to be of use especially to these KTER Center audiences: members of the business community, vocational rehabilitation professionals, policy makers and people with disabilities.