KTER Center Technical Brief #1: Strategies for Reemploying Dislocated Workers with Disabilities
Tech brief - December 2011
What are the experiences of people with disabilities in finding new jobs after being displaced from previous employment, within the context of the current economic downturn (2007-2009)? The Great Recession and Serving Dislocated Workers with Disabilities: Perspectives from One-Stop Career Centers and Rapid Response Coordinators (Heidkamp & Mabe, 2011) investigated how displaced workers with disabilities—not people reentering the workforce following a job loss due to a disability—used public local and state workforce services to help them find new jobs.
Researchers reviews existing literature and collected data from staff in 16 states’ One-Stop Centers, including Disability Program Navigators (DPNs) and Rapid Response Coordinators. The study was conducted by the NTAR Leadership Center (National Technical Assistance and Research Center to Promote Leadership for Increasing Employment and Economic Independence of Adults with Disabilities) at the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.