Transition from high school to adulthood for young adults with ASD

by Schall, C., Wehman, P., & Carr, S.

Individuals with ASD do not currently experience the autonomy or independence expected of youth transitioning to adulthood. On the contrary, individuals with ASD continue to be dependent on their families for providing basic needs, financial support, housing, day supervision and support, and companionship. Research has showed that individuals with ASD had poorer outcomes in employment and post-secondary education when compared with the other disability groups. While these reported outcomes portray a bleak picture, there is evidence that individuals with ASD can learn to live, work, and become contributing members of their communities. Thus, it is important to understand how the characteristics of ASD affect the adolescent and the critical components of transition educational programs that result in better outcomes for individuals with ASD. In this chapter, we will review the impact of ASD on the adolescent, specifically as it relates to achieving better outcomes upon transition from high school to higher education and work. Additionally, we will discuss transition to independence in community integration and living as well as collaboration with adult services agencies to provide the necessary supports and services to ensure better outcomes for individuals with ASD.