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Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities |
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Connecting Students With Significant Support Needs to Employment: A Tool to Structure Employment Planning Meetings |
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Workplace social support for people with physical disability |
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The effects of covert audio coaching on teaching clerical skills to adolescents with autism spectrum disorder |
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Vocational disability in teachers – influencing factors among a highly burdened sample |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Assessing employers’ stigmatizing attitudes toward people with disabilities: A brief report |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2021 |
Assessing employers’ stigmatizing attitudes toward people with disabilities: A brief report |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Disability inclusion strategies: An exploratory study |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Needs of human resource professionals in implicit bias and disability inclusion training: A focus group study |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Communities of practice to improve employment outcomes: A needs assessment |
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Critical strategies for implementing supported employment |
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Implementing supported employment as an evidence-based practice |
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Employer Perceptions of Hiring and Initial Support of Employees With Disabilities |
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A packaged intervention to improve job performance of a competitively employed young adult with autism spectrum disorder |
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Education and Training in Developmental Disabiliites |
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Comparing cost-effectiveness of video-based instruction versus extended school year for maintaining vocational skills of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder |
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Facilitators and barriers of employment among transition-age Hispanic youth with disabilities |
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Promoting quality career pathways for individuals with disabilities through the public vocational rehabilitation program |
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More than memes: Embracing social media for 21st century supported employment |
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Tracking metrics that matter for scaling up employment outcomes |
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A Model of Employment Supports for Job Seekers with Intellectual Disabilities |
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Development of the Progressive Employment dual customer model for vocational rehabilitation |
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Association of Employment and Health and
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Using data to advance Employment First: Opportunities and direction |
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Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities |
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Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities |
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Building economic opportunity through community development |
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Making the cut when applying for jobs online |
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The tripartite efficacy beliefs model in vocational rehabilitation: Implications for working alliance and client engagement |
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Identifying the knowledge, skills, and barriers for self-employment |
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The adolescent behavioral index: Identifying students at risk for disengagement in high school |
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Propensity to work among detoxified opioid-dependent adults |
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An exploratory factor analysis: Factors influencing employers’ disposition to hire and retain persons with disabilities |
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Gender and perceived illness severity: Differential indicators of employment concerns for adults with multiple sclerosis |
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Predictors of differential employment statuses of adults with multiple sclerosis |
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Workplace discrimination outcomes and their predictive factors for adults with multiple sclerosis |
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Factors affecting the job satisfaction of employed adults with multiple sclerosis |
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Predictors of employment status for people with multiple sclerosis |
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High-priority employment concerns of Hispanics/Latinos with multiple sclerosis in the United States |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Launching a statewide Employment First initiative: Indiana’s work to include coalition |
Rogan, P.; & Rinne, S. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, |
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A scoping review of pre-employment transition services for transition aged youth with disabilities |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Factors affecting the likelihood that people with intellectual disabilities will gain employment |
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Postsecondary employment experiences
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Employment policy and autism: Analysis of state Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) implementation plans |
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Leveraging the stages of learning to optimize pre-employment transition service delivery |
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A muddy river alive with shifting currents: Knowledge translation, disability, employment and organizational change |
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Beyond yellow ribbons: Are employers prepared to hire, accommodate and retain returning veterans with disabilities? |
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Journal Of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Employment issues and vocational rehabilitation considerations for people with Parkinson’s disease: A review of the literature and a call to action |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Vocational rehabilitation considerations for people with emerging disabilities |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
2018 |
Workplace discrimination allegations and outcomes involving charging parties with multiple sclerosis and other disabilities under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act: A causal comparative analysis |
Rumrill Jr., P.; Roessler, R.; McMahon, B.; Leslie, M.; & Strauser, D. |
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Priority employment concerns identified by Americans with MS residing in rural areas: Results of a national survey |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Challenges and opportunities related to employment of people with multiple sclerosis |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Employment and workplace accommodation outcomes among participants in a vocational consultation service for people with multiple sclerosis |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Women with multiple sclerosis and the importance and satisfaction they ascribe to selected employment concerns: Results from a national survey |
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Journal of Rehabilitation |
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Gender as a differential indicator of the employment discrimination experiences of Americans with multiple sclerosis |
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Work |
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Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission case resolution patterns involving people with multiple sclerosis |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Americans with traumatic brain injuries and the vocational rehabilitation process: Strategies for meeting the needs of emerging consumers. |
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Journal of Rehabilitation |
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New directions in rehabilitation counseling research: Emerging theoretical considerations, subject matter, and scientific methods. |
Rumrill, P., Bellini, J., & Koch, L. |
Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling |
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An Organizational Case Study of a 5-Year Development Project to Promote Cognitive Support Technology Use, Academic Success, and Competitive Employment Among Civilian and Veteran College Students With Traumatic Brain Injuries |
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Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling |
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Identifying the job accommodation needs of American workers with mid-career neurological disabilities: A multiple case study investigation |
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Challenges and opportunities related to the employment of people with multiple sclerosis |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Job retention strategies for individuals with multiple sclerosis |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Vocational rehabilitation-related predictors of quality of life among people with multiple sclerosis |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Multiple sclerosis and workplace discrimination: The national EEOC ADA research project |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Employment and vocational rehabilitation considerations for people with disabilities during and after the COVID-19 pandemic |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Differences in employment concerns between Hispanic and Caucasian persons with multiple sclerosis: A propensity score matching analysis |
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Empowerment promotion through competitive employment for people with psychiatric disabilities |
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Interagency collaboration in transition to adulthood: A mixed methods approach to identifying promising practices and processes in the NYS PROMISE project |
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New approaches to customized employment: Enhancing cross-system partnerships |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation |
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Providing supportive transition services to individuals with autism spectrum disorder: Considerations for vocational rehabilitation professionals |
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Employment Interventions for People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Delphi Study of Stakeholder Perspectives |
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The resiliency of employees with intellectual and developmental disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic and economic shutdown: A retrospective review of employment files |
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Family Perspectives on Promoting Paid Employment for Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities |
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The Inclusive Higher Education Imperative: Promoting Long-Term Postsecondary Success for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
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Achieving competitive, customized employment through specialized services (ACCESS) |
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