Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Young, T. L. (2013). Using motivational interviewing within the early stages of group development. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 38 (2), 39-48.
Title:  Using motivational interviewing within the early stages of group development
Authors:  Young, T. L.
Year:  2013
Journal/Publication:  The Journal for Specialists in Group Work
Publisher:  Taylor & Francis Group
Full text:   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  Yes

Structured abstract:

Background:  Motivational interviewing is discussed in this article. Specifically the authors discuss proper applications of MI for the preparation of the group members. The article also examines different theoretical tenets, considerations and limitations of the form of counseling. They explore strategies for using MI to garner trust, recognize member readiness for change, identify and resolve members’ ambivalence, help group members identify personal goals, navigate members’ resistance, enhance members’ motivation to change, and strengthen members’ commitment to change.

Disabilities served:  Multiple disabilities
Interventions:  Motivational interviewing