Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Harris, S. P., Renko, M.,; Caldwell, K. (2013). Accessing social entrepreneurship: Perspectives of people with disabilities and key stakeholders. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 38 (1), 35-48.
Title:  Accessing social entrepreneurship: Perspectives of people with disabilities and key stakeholders
Authors:  Harris, S. P., Renko, M.,; Caldwell, K.
Year:  2013
Journal/Publication:  Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
Publisher:  IOS Press
Full text:   
Peer-reviewed?  No
NIDILRR-funded?  Yes

Structured abstract:

Background:  With social entrepreneurship increasingly becoming a feasible strategy of employment for people with disabilities, there is still much to learn about how it relates to the resource needs, opportunities for participation, and obstacles people with disabilities encounter as social entrepreneurs. There is also more to learn about how social entrepreneurship is different from self-employment or other types of entrepreneurship. This article contains the first empirical research integrating the fields of disability studies and entrepreneurship studies. The purpose was to explore social entrepreneurship among people with disabilities using interviews with key stakeholders working in the field and focus groups with social entrepreneurs who have disabilities themselves. Three themes emerged from this qualitative research that hold particular importance to policymakers and professionals working in the field of vocational rehabilitation: 1) education, training and information; 2) finance, funding and asset development; 3) networking and supports. The findings demonstrate that social entrepreneurship can be an effective model of employment but is currently underutilized. With additional investment, it can offer a meaningful way for people with disabilities to participate in the labor market and complement existing strategies in competitive and customized employment to promote choice and self-determination.

Interventions:  Other
Outcomes:  Self-employment