Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Campbell, K., Bond, G. R., & Drake, R. E. (2011). Who benefits from supported employment: A meta-analytic study. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 37 (2), 370-380.
Title:  Who benefits from supported employment: A meta-analytic study
Authors:  Campbell, K., Bond, G. R., & Drake, R. E.
Year:  2011
Journal/Publication:  Schizophrenia Bulletin
Publisher:  Advance access publication
Full text:   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  Yes

Structured abstract:

Background:  Supported employment has been widely recognized as an evidence-based practice for individuals with severe mental illness (SMI). Reviews further suggest that supported employment services, especially those augmented with cognitive interventions, can compensate for cognitive impairments and deficits that would otherwise result in poorer employment outcomes.
Purpose:  This meta-analysis sought to identify which subgroups of clients with severe mental illness (SMI) benefited from evidence-based supported employment.
Setting:  We used meta-analysis to pool the samples from 4 randomized controlled trials comparing the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model of supported employment to well-regarded vocational approaches using stepwise models and brokered services. Meta-analysis was used to determine the magnitude of effects for IPS/control group differences within specific client subgroups (defined by 2 work history, 7 sociodemographic, and 8 clinical variables) on 3 competitive employment outcomes (obtaining a job, total weeks worked, and job tenure).
Study sample:  The sample consisted of study participants from 4 RCTs of IPS vs usual services.
Findings:  The findings strongly favored IPS, with large effect sizes across all outcomes: 0.96 for job acquisition, 0.79 for total weeks worked, and 0.74 for job tenure. Overall, 90 (77%) of the 117 effect sizes calculated for the 39 subgroups exceeded 0.70, and all 117 favored IPS.
Conclusions:  IPS produces better competitive employment outcomes for persons with SMI than alternative vocational programs regardless of background demographic, clinical, and employment characteristics.

Disabilities served:  Alcohol and drug abuse
Chronic mental illness
Cognitive decline / dementia
Cognitive / intellectual impairment
Populations served:  Persons with multiple disabilities (e.g., deaf-blindness, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse)
Interventions:  Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model of supported employment
Supported employment
Outcomes:  Employment acquisition