Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Hoving, J.L., Broekhuizen,M.L.A.and Frings-Dresen, M.H.W. (2009). Return to work of breast cancer survivors: A systematic review of intervention studies. BioMed Central Cancer, 9 (117), 1-10.
Title:  Return to work of breast cancer survivors: A systematic review of intervention studies
Authors:  Hoving, J.L., Broekhuizen,M.L.A.and Frings-Dresen, M.H.W.
Year:  2009
Journal/Publication:  BioMed Central Cancer
Publisher:  BioMed Central
Full text:   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  No
Research design:  Systematic review / meta-analysis

Structured abstract:

Background:  More working aged women are surviving breast cancer. As a result more are returning to work. Unfortunately, efforts related to remployment or return to work have not been given adequate attention by the research community.
Purpose:  This review looked at various intervention studies that impact return to work for breast cancer survivors.
Setting:  This study is a systematic review. The included studies were undertaken in various locations and settings.
Study sample:  The sample consisted of 4 studies involving women with breast cancer.
Intervention:  The study took a look at various interventions used to improve physical, psycholgical, and soical recovery of breast cancer survivors.
Control or comparison condition:  There were no comparison or control conditions.
Data collection and analysis:  Database searches for studies conducted between 1970 and 2007 revealed 5219 studies. Four studies (1 published in the 1970's,2 in the 1980's and 1 in 2000)out of 100 potentially relevant abstracts were selected for review.
Findings:  Among the 4 studies that meet the inclusion criteria, the invervention programs focused on improvemtn of physical, psychological, and social recovery. Although the majority of participants in these studies returned to work (75% to 85%) it is not clear if this would have been lower for individuals who did not receive counseling,exercise, or any other interventions, because only one study included a comparison group.
Conclusions:  There is a lack of methodologically sound intervention studies on breast cancer suvivors and return to work. More sound research is needed.

Disabilities served:  Cancer
Populations served:  Gender: Female
Outcomes:  Return to work