Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Collins, M. E., Spencer R., & Ward, R. (2010). Supporting youth in the transition from foster care: Formal and informal connections.. Child Welfare Journal, 89 (1), 125-143.
Title:  Supporting youth in the transition from foster care: Formal and informal connections.
Authors:  Collins, M. E., Spencer R., & Ward, R.
Year:  2010
Journal/Publication:  Child Welfare Journal
Publisher:  Child Welfare League of America
Full text:   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  Not reported

Structured abstract:

Purpose:  The authors focus on three research questions: 1) What types of supportive relationships do former foster youth report from the transition from care? 2) What are the characteristics of described supportive relationships? (3) Does this social support correlate with transition outcomes?
Study sample:  Data was collected from 96 former foster youth.
Conclusions:  The authors discuss implications of their findings for interventions and future research.

Populations served:  Transition-age youth (14 - 24)
Youth in foster care
Interventions:  Natural supports