Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Fry, H.; & Rumrill, P. (2024). Contemporary vocational rehabilitation strategies for people with advanced cancer: A literature review and conceptual framework. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 60 (1), 7-17.
Title:  Contemporary vocational rehabilitation strategies for people with advanced cancer: A literature review and conceptual framework
Authors:  Fry, H.; & Rumrill, P.
Year:  2024
Journal/Publication:  Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
Publisher:  IOS Press
Full text:    |   PDF   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  No

Structured abstract:

Background:  People with advanced cancer constitute an emerging vocational rehabilitation (VR) consumer population.
Purpose:  Following an overview of the nature and needs of Americans who have advanced forms of cancer, the authors present strategies to meet the service and support needs of these individuals across the phases of the VR process.
Data collection and analysis:  The authors present the sequential stages of the VR process, including implications for working with advanced cancer survivors during each stage.
Findings:  The importance of individualized case planning, employer consultation, workplace accommodations, interface with medical and mental health professionals, and adherence to self-care and symptom management regimens is emphasized throughout the article.
Conclusions:  Growing numbers of people worldwide are surviving advanced cancers for longer periods of time than ever before, which makes them an emerging disability population and rehabilitation clientele.

Interventions:  Vocational rehabilitation