Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Castruita-Rios, Y.; Chen, X.; Park, S.; & Tansey, T. (2023). Collaborations to Support Employment Outcomes of Youth With Disabilities. Scholastica, 12 (1),
Title:  Collaborations to Support Employment Outcomes of Youth With Disabilities
Authors:  Castruita-Rios, Y.; Chen, X.; Park, S.; & Tansey, T.
Year:  2023
Journal/Publication:  Scholastica
Publisher:  Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal
Full text:    |   PDF   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  No

Structured abstract:

Background:  The unemployment and underemployment of transition-age youth with disabilities represents a major barrier to full participation in the range of adult life activities. The lack of participation in employment has a negative effect on their physical health, mental health, and overall quality of life. The state-federal vocational rehabilitation (VR) program is the largest program in the United States focused on helping individuals with disabilities achieve employment in support of independent living and community integration of persons with disabilities. However, in addition to VR programs, there are a number of public and private agencies focused on employment of transition-age youth with disabilities. In recognition of the multiple stakeholders and supports, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act of 2014 (WIOA) emphasizes the need for collaboration between VR programs and other agencies and providers. The purpose of this study was to conduct a scoping review to identify effective collaborative practices for improving transition to work of transition-age youth with disabilities. Through a methodical review of the literature, 31 articles were identified that met the research protocol criteria. Findings from this scoping review are provided along with implications for efforts to promote collaboration between VR programs and other entities.

Populations served:  Transition-age youth (14 - 24)