Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Gruman, C., Shrugue, N.A., Koppelman, J., Schimmel, J., Porter, A., Robison, J.T. (2014). The impact of benefits counseling and vocational rehabilitation on employment and earnings. Journal of Rehabilitation, 80 (3), 21-29.
Title:  The impact of benefits counseling and vocational rehabilitation on employment and earnings
Authors:  Gruman, C., Shrugue, N.A., Koppelman, J., Schimmel, J., Porter, A., Robison, J.T.
Year:  2014
Journal/Publication:  Journal of Rehabilitation
Publisher:  National Rehabilitation Association
Full text:   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  Yes

Structured abstract:

Background:  Persons with disabilities experience higher rates of poverty and unemployment. Benefits counseling has been identified as a possible way of increasing earnings for individuals with disabilities who are receiving SSA disability benefits.
Purpose:  This study looks at the impact that involvement in benefits counseling, vocational rehabilitation, or a combination of both interventions has on employment outcomes and earnings.
Setting:  state vocational rehabilitation
Study sample:  The sample includes 5,675 cases. Criteria for inclusion: SSI/SSDI recipients; cases closed for at least eight quarters.
Intervention:  Benefits counselors provide education on SSA programs and financial planning for individuals receiving SSI/SSDI.
Findings:  Individuals who received a combination of benefits counseling and vocational rehabilitation were more likely to be employed than those who received VR only. They also reported increased earnings over the five quarters after intervention.
Conclusions:  Findings suggest that the addition of benefits counseling to vocational rehabilitation services would be beneficial.

Populations served:  SSI and SSDI recipients
Interventions:  Benefits counseling
Outcomes:  Return to work