Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Levack, W., McPherson, K., & McNaughton, H. (2004). Success in the workplace following traumatic brain injury: Are we evaluating what is most important?. Disability and Rehabilitation, 26 (5), 290-298.
Title:  Success in the workplace following traumatic brain injury: Are we evaluating what is most important?
Authors:  Levack, W., McPherson, K., & McNaughton, H.
Year:  2004
Journal/Publication:  Disability and Rehabilitation
Publisher:  Informa Healthcare
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Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  Not reported
Research design:  Quasi-experimental

Structured abstract:

Background:  Vocational outcome is one of the most important indicators of rehabilitation following a traumatic brain injury. Specifically, types of paid vocations, especially full-time work, are often viewed most favorably as a sign of success. The factors related to this perception of success are vast.
Purpose:  This study aims at evaluating whether or not the common perceptions of success are in line with those factors that those individuals undergoing rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury (TBI) view as most indicative of progress following an injury.
Study sample:  The study sample included 4 males and 3 females between the ages of 26-51. Six were Europeans and one was of Maori descent. Participants had memory loss of one day to months. All were one year post injury.
Intervention:  The effects of returning to full-time paid employment on the feeling of success, impact on non-working lives, feelings of productivity and ability to sustain employment.
Control or comparison condition:  There was no control or comparison condition.
Data collection and analysis:  Open-ended interviews with minimal prompting were taped and transcribed. They were then read and coded with comparisons to other interviews taking place at the same time. The transcripts were then sent to the participants for verification of accuracy.
Findings:  The results indicated that while participants view return to work as an important goal of rehabilitation following TBI, they also valued other means of feeling successful , not having a stressful work life affect their personal life, and feeling successful without full time pay (previously considered the goal) to be of near equal importance.
Conclusions:  While paid employment is important, the work must also provide feelings of productivity and success. The researchers also feel evaluation of these individuals should take more subjective factors into consideration of their "success" of rehabilitation.

Disabilities served:  Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Interventions:  Post-employment services
Supported employment
Vocational assessment
Outcomes:  Return to work
Full-time employment