Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Roessler, R.T., Rumrill, P.D. & Fitzgerald, S. (2004). Factors affecting the job satisfaction of employed adults with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Rehabilitation, 70 (3), 42-50.
Title:  Factors affecting the job satisfaction of employed adults with multiple sclerosis
Authors:  Roessler, R.T., Rumrill, P.D. & Fitzgerald, S.
Year:  2004
Journal/Publication:  Journal of Rehabilitation
Publisher:  National Rehabilitation Association
Full text:   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  No
Research design:  Survey research

Structured abstract:

Background:  Dissatisfaction with work is an early sign that a client of vocational rehabilitation may decide to leave a job. Vocational rehabilitation counselors should address any signs of dissatisfaction early on to help reduce job loss. This means they should understand factors that impact satisfaction in the workplace. People with MS have high rates of unemployment, understanding factors affecting job satisfaction should have implications for VR services.
Purpose:  This research identified factors associated with job satisfaction for workers with MS. It was hypothesized that certain variables would be predictive of job satisfaction for individuals with MS. These included: adequate income, annual income, perceived severity of disease, number of symptoms, cognitive impairment, expected job tenure and perceived fit of job.
Setting:  The survey was conducted in various places in nine states.
Study sample:  Data were taken from a large national survey. The sample included 1,291 individuals with MS from nine states. From this larger group 555 were identified as employed and included in the study. The group was described as well educated, white, adults who on average were 46 years old. Symptoms from MS ranged from severe to non severe. The most frequently reported symptom was fatigue (80%).
Intervention:  This was no intervention.
Control or comparison condition:  There was no control or comparison condition.
Data collection and analysis:  Data were collected from a national survey. Data were analyzed using a block wise hierarchical logistic regression analysis with predictor variables in 3 blocks. Job satisfaction ratings were used as the dependent variables. The multiple logistic regression procedures in SPSS version 11.0 were used to analyze the data.
Findings:  Adequacy of income and the workers perception of the job match predicated job satisfaction in this model. Vocational rehabilitation counselors could implement interventions to improve job satisfaction ranging from providing resources to influence feelings about adequacy of income to disability management strategies geared towards improving a job match by removing barriers and implementing accommodations.
Conclusions:  Models to predict job satisfaction should include adequacy of income and job match. Interventions geared towards improving perceptions of both may be instrumental in decreasing job loss for individuals with MS.

Disabilities served:  Multiple sclerosis
Populations served:  Gender: Female and Male
Race: Black / African American
Race: White / Caucasian
Rural and remote communities
Outcomes:  Other