Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Mateer, C. A. & Sira, C.S. (2006). Cognitive and emotional consequences of TBI: Intervention strategies for vocational rehabilitation. NeuroRehabilitation, 21 (4), 315-326.
Title:  Cognitive and emotional consequences of TBI: Intervention strategies for vocational rehabilitation
Authors:  Mateer, C. A. & Sira, C.S.
Year:  2006
Journal/Publication:  NeuroRehabilitation
Publisher:  IOS Press
Full text:   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  Not reported

Structured abstract:

Background:  Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) negatively impacts successful return to work for many individuals. Training individuals to use effective interventions to compensate for common deficits like attention, memory and executive functioning post injury should improve return to work outcomes.
Purpose:  The purpose of this study was to describe examples of effective cognitive rehabilitation strategies through the use of 3 case studies and a review of literature. Professionals in the field need this type of information to better serve individuals with TBI who are returning to work.
Study sample:  The study sample included three people with TBI.
Intervention:  The intervention was individualized cognitive rehabilitation interventions for four individuals with traumatic brain injury.
Data collection and analysis:  Various scales were used to measure improvements specifically related to the cognitive ability that was being treated (ie. attention deficits, memory problems, executive deficits) in each of the 3 case studies.
Findings:  There are numerous strategies that can be taught to individuals after TBI to help them compensate for common cognitive deficits (ie. attention, memory, executive functioning). Therapists must understand the possibilities and be able to implement specific interventions for each person and be able to use effective teaching strategies to train the individual. It is also important to be aware of ways to support a person who is particularly "challenging" by becoming aware of ways to improve social behaviors and self awareness.
Conclusions:  Intervention strategies must be individualized. Other considerations include considering the nature and degree of the disability and environmental context. Therapist must be able to think outside the box and use creative problem solving to assist individuals with TBI with using strategies to improve employment outcomes.

Disabilities served:  Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Populations served:  Gender: Female and Male
Interventions:  Compensatory strategies
On-the-job training and support
Outcomes:  Return to work