Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Chan, F., Chiu, C., Bezyak, J. L., & Keegan, J. (2012). Introduction to health promotion for people with chronic illness and disability. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 56 (1), 3-6.
Title:  Introduction to health promotion for people with chronic illness and disability
Authors:  Chan, F., Chiu, C., Bezyak, J. L., & Keegan, J.
Year:  2012
Journal/Publication:  Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
Publisher:  Hammill Institute on Disabilities
Full text:   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  Yes
Research design:  Literature review

Structured abstract:

Background:  More than 49 million people in the United States have a chronic condition or disability. People with disabilities are at the same if not higher risk for chronic health and medical problems than the general population. Health promotion interventions could improve health and mental health, work outcomes and quality of life. Health promotion for individuals with disabilities is a critical goal in the rehabilitation process. Rehabilitation researchers are starting to understand the importance of including health promotion interventions in vocational rehabilitation services.
Purpose:  The purpose of this article was to highlight some of the new findings related to health promotion and disability research. It also served as an introduction to a special issue on this topic and was written to further thinking and discussion in this area.
Setting:  The setting varied according the studies reviewed.
Study sample:  Six articles were summarized that were authored by health promotion research groups.
Intervention:  The articles provided theoretical concepts, analytic strategies, and empirical findings on social cognitive and behavioral predictors of health promoting behaviors in individuals with chronic illness and disability.
Control or comparison condition:  There were no control or comparison conditions for this study.
Data collection and analysis:  There was no data collection or analysis for this study.
Findings:  The studies led to recommendations for better health promotion theories. Some provided models and health promotion behavioral interventions that will improve outcomes. The studies also provided a direction for future research.
Conclusions:  The conclusion from the six studies were as follows. Lack of exercise was a major risk factor for secondary health benefits (Karpur and Bruyere (2012). Motivational and volitional variable and the intervention needs of people in different stages of change hypothesized in the Health Action and Process Approach intervention matrix were validated for individuals with multiple sclerosis (Chiu, Fitzgerald, et al 2012). Pender's Health Promotion Model as a motivational model for exercise/physical activity for people with SCI was supported (Keegan, Chan, Ditchman, and Chiu (2012). Recovery self-efficacy and action and coping planning directly contributed to the prediction of dietary health behaviors and more provided additional empirical support for HAPA as a health promotion model (Chiu, Lynch, Chan, and Lindsey 2012). There are multiple challenges associated with using self reported instruments to assess physical activity of people with psychiatric disabilities (Bezyak, Chan, Lee, Catalano, Chiu 2012). And lastly, health promoting behaviors can mediate between functional disability and health related quality of life (Sung et al (in press at time of this publication) which provided support about the need to help people with chronic illness and disability with increasing physical activity and exercise.

Disabilities served:  Multiple sclerosis
Spinal cord injury (SCI)
Populations served:  Gender: Female and Male
Interventions:  Other