Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Roessler, R.T., Rumrill, P.D., Fitzgerald, S.M. (2004). Factors affecting the job satisfaction of employed adults with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Rehabilitation, 70 (3), 42-50.
Title:  Factors affecting the job satisfaction of employed adults with multiple sclerosis
Authors:  Roessler, R.T., Rumrill, P.D., Fitzgerald, S.M.
Year:  2004
Journal/Publication:  Journal of Rehabilitation
Publisher:  National Rehabilitation Association
Full text:   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  No
Research design:  Survey research

Structured abstract:

Background:  Dissatisfaction with one’s job can lead to leaving that job which can have negative effects on the individual and reduce the cost-effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation (VR) services. VR professionals should work to prevent the loss of a job or voluntarily leaving a job as soon as signs of dissatisfaction show up. In order to best do this rehabilitation professionals must be aware of signs of dissatisfaction.
Purpose:  The purpose of this study is identifying factors that affect job satisfaction in employed individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS).
Study sample:  Ten National Multiple Sclerosis Chapters (NMSC) (California, Kansas, Missouri, Florida, New Jersey, Oregon, Montana, Delaware, Ohio, and Washington D.C.) participated in the study. The study sample consisted of 555 employed members of the NMSC chapters. The sample was very well educated (99% high school graduates, 39% college graduates). The sample had an average age of 46 years and was 91% Caucasian.
Data collection and analysis:  All participants completed a national survey that assessed job satisfaction and factors that could affect it. A three-level hierarchal multiple regression analysis was done to assess the target measure.
Findings:  Income adequacy and job/person match were the best predictors of job satisfaction.
Conclusions:  VR professionals should be aware of concerns regarding income adequacy and job/person match as they can be the most telling signs of job dissatisfaction in persons with MS.

Disabilities served:  Multiple sclerosis
Outcomes:  Other