Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Inge, K., Sima, A.P., Riesen, T., Wehman, P., & Brooks-Lane, N. (2022). The Essential Elements of Customized Employment: Results From a National Survey of Employment Providers. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 1-16.
Title:  The Essential Elements of Customized Employment: Results From a National Survey of Employment Providers
Authors:  Inge, K., Sima, A.P., Riesen, T., Wehman, P., & Brooks-Lane, N.
Year:  2022
Journal/Publication:  Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
Publisher:  SAGE
Full text:  PDF   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  Yes

Structured abstract:

Background:  Customized employment (CE) is designed to meet the specific needs and interests of individuals with disabilities as well as the needs of the employer by using flexible strategies at every stage of employment. The objective of this study was to ask rehabilitation providers who implement these services to describe the current status of CE service delivery. An online survey was administered to employment professionals from agencies within the United States. Participants responded to questions on the unique characteristics of Discovery and job development, current use of CE services, and information on their personal and agency demographics. Results indicate that there is agreement among CE providers on critical Discovery and job development activities, which suggests that providers are regularly accessing information to inform their practice. There appears to be a gap between what respondents identify as critical activities and how well they are being implemented. Recommendations for providing CE training for providers and provisions for individuals with disabilities are explored.

Interventions:  Customized employment