Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Wehman, P., Schall, C., McDonough, J., Sima, A., Brooke, A, Ham, W., Whittenburg, H., Brooke, V., Avellone, L., & Reihle, E. (2019). Competitive employment for transition-aged youth with significant impact from autism: A multi-site randomized clinical trial. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50 (6), 1822-1897.
Title:  Competitive employment for transition-aged youth with significant impact from autism: A multi-site randomized clinical trial
Authors:  Wehman, P., Schall, C., McDonough, J., Sima, A., Brooke, A, Ham, W., Whittenburg, H., Brooke, V., Avellone, L., & Reihle, E.
Year:  2019
Journal/Publication:  Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Publisher:  Springer
Full text:   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  Yes

Structured abstract:

Background:  This study reports the results of a multi-site, parallel block randomized clinical trial to expand the previous findings regarding the implementation of Project SEARCH plus ASD Supports (PS?+?ASD) on employment outcomes upon graduation from high school. Participants were 156 individuals with significant impact from ASD between the ages of 18–21. There was a significant difference between treatment and control groups with 73.4% of the treatment group acquiring competitive employment at or above minimum wage by 1-year after graduation compared to 17% of the control group for whom data was provided. At 1-year, employed treatment group participants worked an average of 21.2 h per week (SD?=?9) for a mean hourly wage of $9.61 per hour (SD?=?$1.55).

Disabilities served:  Autism / ASD
Populations served:  Transition-age youth (14 - 24)
Transition-age students (14 - 22)
Interventions:  Supported employment
Vocational rehabilitation
Customized employment
Employment opportunities expansion
Outcomes:  Employment acquisition
Full-time employment