Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Rumrill, P., Rumrill, S., Sheppard-Jones, K., Rumrill, A., Graham-Smith, M., Curry, B., Wiley, L., Fisher, E., Kabeya, A., Adams, C., Espinosa-Bard, C., & Jones, J. (2021). Identifying the job accommodation needs of American workers with mid-career neurological disabilities: A multiple case study investigation. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation,, 55 (2), 115-129.
Title:  Identifying the job accommodation needs of American workers with mid-career neurological disabilities: A multiple case study investigation
Authors:  Rumrill, P., Rumrill, S., Sheppard-Jones, K., Rumrill, A., Graham-Smith, M., Curry, B., Wiley, L., Fisher, E., Kabeya, A., Adams, C., Espinosa-Bard, C., & Jones, J.
Year:  2021
Journal/Publication:  Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation,
Publisher:  IOS Press
Full text:   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  Yes

Structured abstract:

Background:  The COVID-19 pandemic has wrought an unprecedented toll on vocational rehabilitation efforts to assist workers with disabilities in maintaining their careers.
Purpose:  To demonstrate the use of a psychometrically sound assessment instrument and resource-driven planning procedure to help workers with disabilities resume or retain their employment.
Data collection and analysis:  Four employed people with neurological disabilities who took part in a larger job retention project funded by the United States Department of Labor completed structured interviews to determine their needs for employment accommodations during COVID-19. A trained interviewer administered the Work Experience Survey (WES) in teleconsultation sessions with each participant to identify: (a) barriers to worksite access, (b) difficulties performing essential job functions, (c) concerns regarding continued job mastery, and (d) extent of job satisfaction.
Findings:  Owing primarily to the sequelae of their disabling conditions and less so to social distancing requirements and telecommuting technology, participants reported a wide range of accessibility barriers and difficulties in performing essential functions of their jobs that they believed had the potential to significantly affect their ongoing productivity. Considering the stress and uncertainty that have accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic, it is surprising that the majority of participants reported high levels of job mastery and job satisfaction.
Conclusions:  The interviewer concluded the WES interview by recommending a job accommodation plan, which included suggestions from Job Accommodation Network (JAN) consultants.

Disabilities served:  Alcohol and drug abuse
Anxiety disorder
Chronic mental illness
Cognitive decline / dementia
Cognitive / intellectual impairment
Learning disabilities
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Personality disorders
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Spinal cord injury (SCI)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Interventions:  Vocational rehabilitation
Outcomes:  Full-time employment