Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Crewe, N. M. (2000). A 20-year longitudinal perspective on the vocational experiences of persons with spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 43 (3), 122-133.
Title:  A 20-year longitudinal perspective on the vocational experiences of persons with spinal cord injury
Authors:  Crewe, N. M.
Year:  2000
Journal/Publication:  Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
Publisher:  Hammill Institute on Disabilities
Full text:   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  Not reported
Research design:  Single subject design

Structured abstract:

Background:  For many years, researchers have been interested in understanding the vocational experiences of persons with spinal cord injury (SCI). Their studies have helped build a body of knowledge regarding how frequently people with SCI become employed and what personal characteristics are related to successful outcomes. Re-entry into the workforce is considered a primary marker of rehabilitation success, both because of the value that society places on productivity and the fact that, for many people, work is linked to psycho-social and medical adjustment (Krause, 1990, 1991 ). Research findings have helped rehabilitation workers provide appropriate counseling and services to individuals with new SCI.
Purpose:  The vocational experiences of 50 individuals 22 to 45 years after a spinal cord injury are recounted based on interviews conducted in 1974 and 1994.
Setting:  N/A- Longitudinal study 22-45 years post spinal cord injury.
Study sample:  50 individuals with spinal cord injury.
Intervention:  The 1974 interviews were conducted using a protocol developed for that study. It included a complete work history and other social, family, and adjustment related questions. The 1994 interviews used a similar longitudinal questionnaire that covered vocational, marital,social, and health history during the intervening 20 years.
Control or comparison condition:  There was no control or comparison condition.
Data collection and analysis:  Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected, including Life Story Interviews and work experience data.
Findings:  All but 7 participants have engaged in remunerative employment. At the time of the last interview, 58% were working full time and 16% were working part time.
Conclusions:  Factors that contributed to the vocational accomplishments of this sample include early work experiences, comprehensive rehabilitation services, and work ethic.

Disabilities served:  Spinal cord injury (SCI)
Populations served:  Gender: Female and Male
Interventions:  Rehabilitation counseling
Vocational rehabilitation
Outcomes:  Full-time employment
Part-time employment