Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Koch, L.C.; Rumrill, P.D.; & Chan, F. (2021). Multiple sclerosis in the COVID-19 era: Vocational rehabilitation strategies to meet the needs of a growing and immune-vulnerable clientele. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 54 (2), 175-183.
Title:  Multiple sclerosis in the COVID-19 era: Vocational rehabilitation strategies to meet the needs of a growing and immune-vulnerable clientele
Authors:  Koch, L.C.; Rumrill, P.D.; & Chan, F.
Year:  2021
Journal/Publication:  Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
Publisher:  IOS Press
Full text:   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  Yes

Structured abstract:

Background:  This article describes people with multiple sclerosis (MS) as an emerging vocational rehabilitation (VR) clientele.
Purpose:  Following an overview of the incidence, prevalence, and impact of MS, the authors suggest strategies to meet the employment and career development needs of Americans with MS across the phases of the VR process. The importance of individualized case planning, employer consultation, workplace accommodations, and interface with medical and mental health professionals is emphasized throughout the article.
Conclusions:  Implications related to the COVID-19 pandemic are discussed.

Disabilities served:  Multiple sclerosis
Interventions:  Vocational rehabilitation
Outcomes:  Employment acquisition
Full-time employment