Research Database: Article Details

Citation:  Foley, S.M.; Haines, K.; & Mock, L. (2020). Phase II of the SGA Project: Development of the coordinated team approach intervention. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 53 (3), 273-285.
Title:  Phase II of the SGA Project: Development of the coordinated team approach intervention
Authors:  Foley, S.M.; Haines, K.; & Mock, L.
Year:  2020
Journal/Publication:  Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
Publisher:  IOS Press
Full text:   
Peer-reviewed?  Yes
NIDILRR-funded?  Yes

Structured abstract:

Background:  The SGA Model Demonstration tested a coordinated team approach to determine whether a combination of vocational rehabilitation practices improve earnings outcomes of clients who also receive Social Security Disability Insurance.
Purpose:  This paper describes Phase II of the development of the intervention
Data collection and analysis:  Researchers and policy fellows conducted site visits, interviewed personnel from 8 State Vocational Rehabilitation agencies and related partners, drafted a proposed intervention and submitted it for review to a Delphi panel.
Findings:  Delphi ratings supported the proposed intervention as likely leading to improved earnings outcomes and recommended that the SGA Project develop training, technical assistance, and capacity building activities to support implementation.
Conclusions:  The SGA Project invested 2 years developing an intervention by examining administrative data, consulting national experts, interviewing SVRAs directors and more than 100 practitioners across eight SVRAs. Pacing metrics were built into a team approach that included a vocational counselor, work incentives counselor, and a job development/job placement specialist with a business relations focus.

Disabilities served:  Autism / ASD
Cognitive / intellectual impairment
Developmental disabilities
Multiple disabilities
Populations served:  SSI and SSDI recipients
Interventions:  Benefits counseling
Career counseling
Supported employment
Vocational rehabilitation
Outcomes:  Employment acquisition
Full-time employment
Part-time employment