Center on Self-Employment (CSE)

Photo of Center on Self-Employment (CSE)

Web site:

The National Center on Self-Employment, Business Ownership, and Telecommuting is a national project funded in 2020 to develop and provide training for Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Counselors and VR professionals. The goal is to increase self-employment and telecommuting access and outcomes by building the knowledge and skills of rehabilitation professionals. Griffin-Hammis Associates (GHA) is honored to be the recipient of this Rehabilitation Service of Administration’s Innovative Rehabilitation Training grant.

Some of the Center’s activities are to:

  1. Gather input from VR professionals by conducting focus groups and a national needs assessment; 
  2. Collect information on existing state VR self-employment and telecommuting policies and processes;
  3.  Develop an innovative curriculum in partnership with university rehabilitation counselor programs;
  4. Provide training and resources. Interested stakeholders can access the Center’s resources 24/7, which include training modules, webcasts, topical resource briefs, and an online searchable training and resource database.

GHA will collaborate with Vocational Rehabilitation offices nationwide on this important initiative. Virginia Commonwealth University’s Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU-RRTC) and The Harkin Institute are contractors that assist with completing project activities.

Award / grant number:
Funding agency:
The National Center on Self-employment, Business Ownership, and Telecommuting is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration.
Subaward: Teri Blankenship, PI
Key personnel:
VCU-RRTC: Teri Blankenship, Doug Erickson, Lucian Friel, and Surya Suresh
Contact info:
Teri Blankenship
(804) 828-2197