Autism Center for Education (VCU-ACE) Early Childhood

Photo of Autism Center for Education (VCU-ACE) Early Childhood

Web site:

The Early Childhood website is a sub-project of the Virginia Commonwealth University Autism Center for Education (VCU-ACE) and is funded by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). The Early Childhood website provides a wealth of resources for those raising, caring for, or educating young children with ASD. Resources can help families and providers understand Autism Spectrum Disorder, identify useful strategies that can support a child's development, and know when and how to use these strategies at home, in the community, and in the early childhood classroom.

Award / grant number:
881-APE61172-H027A230107 (this number will change in March ’25)
Funding agency:
Virginia Department of Education
Jennifer McDonough
Key personnel:
Paul Wehman, Wendy Parent-Johnson, Carol Schall, Alissa Brooke, Teresa Cogar, Melanie Derry, Carla Goodman, Whitney Ham, Alicia Hart, Susan Heck, Crystal Hence, Kelly Ireson, Daniel Irwin, Stefanie Paul, Katie Thompson, Lauren Vetere, Noel Woolard
Contact info:
1314 West Main Street
P.O. Box 842011
Richmond, VA 23284-2011
Phone: (855) 711-6987