RRTC Partners
The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Employment for Individuals with Disabilities is a national consortium led by Virginia Commonwealth University, the Medical College of South Carolina and the University of Wisconsin-Madison to study and facilitate employment outcomes for people with physical disabilities. This consortium will be assisted in planning, implementing, and disseminating new research knowledge by national organizations to include the Shepherd Center, nAblement, VCU's Department of Rehabilitation Counseling, VCU's Children's Hospital, Griffin-Hammis Associates, World Institute on Disability (WID), Job Accommodation Network (JAN), National Center for Independent Living (NCIL), United Cerebral Palsy, United Spinal Association, VCU's Community Partner Work Incentives Counseling National Training Center, and Hunter Holmes-McGuire VA Center. We also will establish ongoing relationships with national consultants who are leading experts on employment and physical disabilities. The links provide information on our partners and their roles in the VCU-RRTC research and training activities.