September 5, 2024

VCU-RRTC-ACE Provides New Autism Training for Transportation Staff

Bus driver high-fives kids as they get on the bus. (Photo provided by Adobe Stock)

In 2022, the Commonwealth of Virginia enacted State Bill 229, also known as “the Hanger Bill”.

SB229 was sponsored by State Senator Emmett W. Hanger, Jr., and it requires school transportation personnel to obtain training in interacting with students on the Autism spectrum.

Crystal Hence, an ACE Training and Technical Assistance Associate, has been responsible for administering the Safety for All: Autism Training for Transportation Staff training developed by the Autism Center for Education. According to Hence, “The training in total consists of two hours of online videos and usually one hour of discussion when facilitated in person. The online videos are broken down into six different sections. The topics are Characteristics of Autism, Positive Behavioral Supports: Responding vs. Reacting, Bullying, Unexpected Changes, Strategies, and Collaboration.” She also notes that transportation staff can complete the online portion of the training through the My ACE Dashboard.

As for the in-person aspect of the training, Hence says, “I’m always happy to meet with [school district representatives] on Zoom and show them how the training is also designed to be facilitated in a group setting. There is a facilitator’s guide that has discussion questions that can be asked after each section of the training. The questions are designed to encourage communication among the group. Most school systems decide to go the ‘Train the Trainer’ route and after meeting with me on Zoom, they will conduct the training on their own. I also have assisted divisions by going in person and leading the discussions alongside their transportation team.”

Those who complete the training in-person or through the online course receive a certificate through VCU Autism Center for Education. To date, more than 3,500 transportation and other school staff throughout Virginia have completed the training.

Vicci Tudge, a trainer with Warren County Public Schools Transportation Department, recently completed ACE’s Safety for All training. Tudge has been working in the Warren school system’s transportation department for over twenty years, eleven of which she had spent driving a special needs bus.

“I love the Autism training program,” Tudge says. “[It has] helped me understand [students with Autism] and to have patience, especially when you don’t know what to do to help them at times. I use all my resources to help these and all children.”

“When I get to do an in-person session, I love to remind the school division’s transportation teams that they are a vital part of the school experience for all students, including those with ASD,” said Hence. “Transportation staff are often [both] the first school employee that a student interacts with during the school day and the last. It’s important to understand that transportation staff set and end the tone of a school day, and by undergoing this training, they are learning meaningful information that can help ensure a positive and smooth transition for all students, including those with Autism.”