Shannon Jones
Director of Instructional Technology | 804-827-0745
Curriculum vita: MS Word
Shannon McManus Jones, M.Ed., is a faculty member with RRTC. While at VCU-RRTC, she has been involved in distance education activities including developing and managing online courses and webinars. She also provides technical assistance with the online classes and webinars through orientations and one-on-one assistance.
In addition, Ms. Jones has worked on many projects that promote self-determination, academic success in postsecondary education, and effective transition services for students with disabilities.
Her research areas of interest include distance education, instructional technology, exploring assistive technology options for students with disabilities, students with disabilities transitioning from high school to postsecondary education, and identifying educational interventions that support students with learning disabilities in postsecondary education. She has co-authored journal articles and book chapters on postsecondary education.
Going to College: A resource for teens with disabilities
Going to College: An Online Resource for Teens with Disabilities, Transition Forum, March 18, 2009, Norfolk, VA
Strategies for Transition from College to Work, Assistive Technology Expo, November 2006, Raleigh, North Carolina
VCU Mentoring Matters!: Enhancing Employment Outcomes for College Students with Disabilities, The Virginia Transition Forum, March 2006, Roanoke, Virginia.
Using Supported Education in College: Process, Strategies, and Outcomes, Division on Career Development and Transition 13th International Conference, October 2005, Albuquerque, New Mexico.