Staci Carr received a masters degree in education from Harvard University and a second masters degree in Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University, and a B.A. in Psychology from Oakland University. Since 1993, Staci has been working and conducting research in the field of Autism Spectrum Disorder, specifically Social Skills Training. She has worked in Michigan, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Virginia developing programs to support children in a variety of settings with varying abilities. In December 2014, Staci earned a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University.
Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders: Behavior, Communication, and Social Impacts (August 20, 2012). Workshop at the CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) 2012 International Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Transition and Autism: Alaska Summer Autism Institute.Invited week long training (30 hours) (June 18-22). Invited talk in strategiesfor a successful transition to adulthood for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders(ASD).
Project SEARCH: Successful Transition to Competitive Employment for Young Adults with ASD (May,2012). Invited talk at the International Meeting for Autism Research. In Toronto, CA.
Sex, Adolescence,and Autism. (April,2012) Invited talk at 2nd Annual World of Autism Conference Schedule.In Abingdon, VA.
The Effect of Supported Employment on Community Employment for Adults with ASD (March, 2012). Invited talk at 9thAnnual International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. In Atlanta, GA.
Project SEARCH: Successful Transition to Competitive Employment for Young Adults with ASD. (March, 2012). Invited talk at 9th Annual International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. In Atlanta, GA.
Project SEARCH for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Increasing Competitive Employment Opportunities Post High-School. (March, 2012) Poster Presentation at Society for Research in Adolescence. In Vancouver, B.C.
Autism, Bullying,and the Struggles of Adolescence. (September2011). Lecture at the Autism and the Military Child Conference. In Portsmouth, VA.
Strengths and Difficulties of children with Asperger Syndrome: Parents' views and implications for intervention. (May, 2011) Poster Presentation at The 10th International Meeting for Autism Research. In San Diego, CA
Promoting Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Competence in Young High-Risk Children: a Preventative Classroom-Based Early Intervention Model. (May, 2011) Poster Presentation at Applied Behavior Analysis Conference in Denver, CO.